#!/usr/bin/perl # $Id: jpick,v 1.4 2017/10/18 06:33:29 nomura Exp nomura $ # Change charset of Japanese search string for nmh/pick use Encode 'from_to'; @NEW_ARGV = ("-sequence", "s", "last:200"); # Set defaults here. while ($_ = shift(@ARGV)) { if (/^-su/) { push(@NEW_ARGV, $_); $_ = shift(@ARGV); /[\x80-\xff]/ and from_to($_, "euc-jp", "utf8"); } elsif (/^-sea/ && @ARGV[0] =~ /[\x80-\xff]/) { # -search Japanese $_ = shift(@ARGV); push(@NEW_ARGV, "-lbrace", "-search"); from_to($_, "euc-jp", "utf8"); push(@NEW_ARGV, $_, "-or", "-search"); from_to($_, "utf8", "7bit-jis"); s/^\x1b\$B//; # gets rid of shift-in/out s/\x1b\(B$//; s/\\/\\\\/g; s/\[/\\[/g; push(@NEW_ARGV, $_, "-rbrace"); next; } elsif ($_ eq "-whom") { # the original command $_ = shift(@ARGV); push(@NEW_ARGV, "-lbrace", "-from", $_, "-or", "-to", $_, "-or", "-cc", $_, "-rbrace"); next; } push(@NEW_ARGV, $_); } exec("/usr/bin/pick", @NEW_ARGV);